Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mood Changes

As Kanye said it best, "I'm just trying to change the color of your mood ring". When I heard that I was like, "yeah right", but as I began to think about it, yeah a person can change your mood.

Prime example, I was feeling down last night (mainly because of my location) and then I had a conversation with a friend and it totally changed my mood. Not just any old conversation, like the one with your girlfriend and you laugh at what happen to her or you share informaiton on how the date went, I'm talking about a conversation with a man. Not just any man, but a man you know that has his act together.

During this conversation, I was smiling, laughing and just doing the Flinstones (having a gay old time. Warning: from time to time you'll hear me mention a movie or a song to explain the situation or how I'm feeling, etc). Instantly, my mood changed. I forgot it was snowing outside, I forgot it was cold.

I wonder why that is? Maybe being single for so long and finally getting some male attention was needed. Of course I have male friends, but all of them are ugly to me (note: they're not ugly, I just don't see them in that way). This causes me to think about "why my mood changed". Why I would love to talk to him more and why I just.....don't know....

Here I am in my "Grinch" mood for the holiday and this "who from Whoville" comes in singing the "who song" and my heart grew 3X larger. So we have a name for this person: his name is "Cindy Lou Who".

Let's analyze Cindy shall we:

Cindy Details:

1. He's tall

2. Great Teeth (I checked them out and I'm really into a guy with great dental hygene).

3. He's smart

4. He always veiws the glass as half full

5. He's supper sweet

6. Plus he's very attractive

These are just a few of my many "details" that I like in a guy. I could go on and on, but I'm not.

So what is it about Cindy Lou Who that makes the Grinches heart grow. It's his innocense. He's guinine and overall a good and caring guy. He has no angles or games to be played. He's just nice and really wants to help and just a great guy. That's what I'm attracted to. I'm really glad to have him as a friend!

That's it!!! That's what changed my mood! Here's a guy that's nice, genuine, don't want anything sexually, just a GREAT friend. That's what changed my mood. I feel so comfortable with him that I could tell him anything about me. He makes me want to be a better friend to him and all of my friends because he's a great friend to me.

So ladies, if you want your mood changed for the better, have a great friend around (male or female). A lot of my female friends change my mood as well. We "network"and discuss various topics that are funny, serious, etc. I love them for that. Maybe I focused on Cindy because he's handsome to me...yeah that's it.

I'm leaving with a joke, I hope you enjoy it...until next time...

Singlely Yours,

The Former Grinch (for today)

The Joke:

There was a turtle strolling along the street

then all of a sudden he was attacked by 2 snails

when the police officer came along he asked the turtle what happened

the turtle replied: "I don't know officer, it happened so fast"


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